About us
The company «Perotex» was established in 1997 in Sumy.
It focuses on selling down-feather mixture.
Our production facilities allow us to fulfill any order and get a guaranteed high-quality product. We are constantly increasing our competitiveness, improving and increasing the capacity of our manufacturing lines. And the guarantee of this is not only technical equipment, but also a high-quality team of professionals who are ready to fulfill your order within the shortest possible time.
If we speak about our relations with consumers, our main goal is selling with buyer`s minimal effort, as well as providing potential customers with full information about our products, which is necessary for the successful goods selection. Taking into account the competition in the modern market, we try to offer our customers the widest range of goods with the best quality-to-price ratio.
Promotional offers, which are held together with leading manufacturers allow our customers to buy the best products` samples at the lowest prices. Regular customers use the system of savings discounts, which allow to save money.
In spite of the fact that the company is focused mainly on retail trade, we gladly cooperate with small and large wholesale buyers, providing them with favorable terms of business and a progressive discounts system. The wholesaling department of our company is represented by highly qualified employees (Vyacheslav), who are always ready to provide the customer with information about the goods` availability in the warehouse, wholesale prices and delivery terms.
There is a flexible system of discounts for regional clients. The hard daily work of all employees is aimed to meet the needs of the most sophisticated customers. Sincere desire to help each customer, experience, and high professionalism of our employees will leave the most pleasant impression. Always glad to see you.
The company has good terms of business. As a rule, the buyer becomes our regular partner, when he/she concluded a Product Delivery Contract. The turnaround time is 10 calendar days.
Sales managers have an extensive base of transport companies, which, if it`s necessary, can be provided to our customers.
What is about production of raw materials?
Any production starts with quality raw materials. These are goose and duck feather and down. Down grows in the coat of only waterfowls: geese and ducks. It protects birds not only from the cold, but also from overheating. The goose down is most valuable in its qualities, it lose only to the down of the northern eider duck.
If we speak about form, form down is similar to snowflakes, has the same branching. Unlike the feather, the down does not have rib, only a small core, from which go keratinous barbs with a lot of outgrowths. These outgrowthslink with each other and shape fluff into ball form. The fluff are strong, flexible, elastic, so the down practically does not mill together, and the goods from it retain their properties in service for a long time.
A large number of fluffs, touching with each other, create closed air layers and provide high heat insulation. Down is the warmest filler for bedclothes. Down is easy, like air, and gentle. There are from 400 000 to 2 000 000 fluff in the 1 kg of down. According to the independent evaluation of European experts from the Hohenstein Institute (Wenigheim, Germany), down is two times or more superior to the best artificial fillers in the heat / mass ratio. The body of a sleeping person evaporates overnight to 600 grams of moisture.
Down has a unique ability to absorb moisture and, while keeping heat safely, allows free evaporation of excess moisture to the surrounding air. The skin remains dry, not supercooled, which contributes to a healthy sleep. In addition, due to the excellent heat conduction of the down, downy things have a wonderfulcharacteristic: it is not hot under them in the heat, and it is not cold- in the frost . So, nature has awarded us with a magnificent natural material, from which the best bedding is came out.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so the down and feather begins with raw materials, its purchase and storage. Quality raw materials are one of the keys to the quality goods. And to ensure that the raw materials of down and feathers do not lose their qualities, they must be properly stored. And such a place is a warehouse of raw materials and final goods . Our warehouse facilities allow us to store a large volume of both raw materials and goods, which guarantees high-quality customer service.

Primary processing of raw materials is washing and drying. At this stage, all the raw materials pass through the washing system using special soaps and pass the drying on exit. We have several lines, which allows us to prepare large volumes of raw materials for processing.

The next stage of production is getting down by separating it from the quill on special machines.

As the beginning of the theater is a hanger, so the beginning and the end of production is the warehouse. Final goods, final product for which our team is ready to work and puts all its professionalism into the business.
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